Adoptive families have unique needs due to the history of trauma and loss that adoptive children carry. Many adopted children benefit greatly from therapy but never receive it because of the expense. One way HaTikva Families supports adoptive and foster families is by making necessary services like therapy possible. In 2020, we are providing the monthly cost of sending 2 adopted, biological sisters, ages 12 and 13, to art therapy to help with their learning disabilities and psychological issues. Art and play therapies have been proven to be extremely effective for children and adolescents, and we are excited to see this family grow into a new place of healing this year as they experience the benefits and support of therapy for their daughters.
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Contact Details:
Phone: (913) 204-0263
Postal Address:
HaTikva Project
9218 Metcalf Ave
Overland Park, KS 66212 USA