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HaTikva Families Leads Israel’s First TBRI Training

January 23rd, 2020 |HaTikva Families

On Friday, January 10, Hatikva Families had the privilege of hosting Israel’s first formal presentation of TBRI, Trust Based Relational Intervention, in partnership with Anchor of Hope Counseling Center and Adoption Wisdom. TBRI is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children.

During this introduction and overview of TBRI, we were joined by adoptive parents and a number of leaders in the Israeli adoption and foster community including Sharona Duchne of Adoption Wisdom, Benny Saville of Mishpachta, and Sara Basel of Blooms of Hope for Adoption. This seminar was the gateway to the TBRI Caregiver Training Series created by the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development (KPICD) to equip parents, counselors, therapists, teachers, and social workers alike with tools to connect with children from hard places. We are pleased to say the majority of our attendees are interested in participating in the full series. A big thank you to KPICD for making it possible for us to bring these life-giving tools to Israel.

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