Ella is 94 years old. Born in Vityabsk, Belarus, with clarity of mind, she told her story as though it happened yesterday. She was 11 when she, her mother and two little brothers were evacuated to Saratov, 4 days after Nazi soldiers entered their city.
It was a month long trip on a freight train. It was an incredibly difficult journey and the entire month they heard horrible bombing everywhere. Their mother covered her children with her body every time she heard the whistling of bullets and the thunder of bombs. They eventually made it to their destination and started new lives there. Ella now has 4 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren!
She was happy to tell us about her dental treatment at HaTikva Dental. She shared that the atmosphere was very hospitable and comfortable. We thank God for the opportunity to serve people like Ella.
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Email: partners@hatikvaproject.org
Phone: (913) 204-0263
Postal Address:
HaTikva Project
9218 Metcalf Ave
Overland Park, KS 66212 USA